Tuesday, June 15, 2010

A Burbank Chiropractor's Advice: Head, Neck & Back Pain are Symptoms of a Larger Problem

If you’re reading my blog you’re probably experiencing (or have experienced in the past) discomfort of some sort: headaches, back pain, stiff neck or shoulder pain and numbness. These are all symptoms of many things that could be happening in your body, and are usually secondary symptoms of the bigger, problematic picture.

Usually when my patients come in to see me, I discover that the bigger picture is something called Anterior Head Syndrome, or AHS. This is a structural problem in the vertebrae of the neck and spine—the bones shift out of place causing pressure on muscle groups, nerves and blood vessels.

You might experience any one or more of these symptoms if you have AHS:

  • Numbness and Tingling Sensations
  • Shooting or Radiating Pains
  • Sciatica Pain
  • Muscle Spasms
  • Pinched Nerve
  • Poor Posture or Granny Hump
  • Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
  • Dizziness or Vertigo
  • Hip Pain
  • Headaches or Migraines
  • Herniated Disc
  • Canal Stenosis
  • Degenerative Joint and Disc Diseases
  • Muscular Imbalance

So what happens if you do have these symptoms? Chances are, you’ve already seen a physician, who may or may not have been able to help. (Remember Anterior Head Syndrome is not ALWAYS the root cause of these issues.) Or, maybe you’ve been consuming quantities of over-the-counter pain medications and applying heat or ice for temporary relief. But these tactics do not provide solutions, as they only mask your symptoms for short periods.

What you really should do at this point, is consider chiropractic care.

When a patient comes to see me with any of the above symptoms, I perform a preliminary, visual inspection, and ask questions to evaluate the level and frequency of pain or numbness. I’ll take X-rays and then recommend a course of corrective treatment. Depending on the severity of your Anterior Head Syndrome, you’ll need to come in for regular adjustments 1-3 times per week initially. Each case varies, so it will be difficult to judge how long you’ll need treatment until we go over your X-rays and see how well your body reacts to the adjustments.

It all also depends on your lifestyle and work habits—repetitive stresses, sitting habits and nutrition also play large roles in your treatment. I’ll be happy to help you in those areas as well.

Dr. Alfred Sadanaga is a Burbank chiropractor whose offices are located at 2200 West Magnolia Boulevard, Burbank, CA. Call Magnolia Natural Health Center at (818) 954-0884 for your personalized consultation.

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